Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone gets models this year :)

Remember; even on Xmas there is only war.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Heavy Bolter

Anyone got a heavy bolter and backpack they would be up to trade or sell? Need 1 more to finish my 40k ravens devastator squad.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Deimos Rhinos

Hi Guys,
Anyone want Deimos Rhino conversions for $5 each? Basically buy a Plastic Rhino and this makes it a 30k version.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sunday, July 19, 2015

First AOS Batrep: Stormhost vs Seraphon

Pros: fun, fast, easy to learn, simple mechanics with the possibility to become more tactically complex. Beautiful models.

Cons: feels a bit shallow. Towards the end I felt like we were just rolling dice to see who rolled best. 

I also have no idea if Tony and I had "balanced" lists in spite of having the same number of models. My Carnosaur kicked some ass. It felt a little OP. Having said that; Storms had a ton of multi-wound models and overall, Tony had 11 more wounds.

Results: Seraphon win by tabling Stormhost. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Monday, June 15, 2015

My proposal

June 26th. 15k points per side.

Tony/Shane/Kevin playing Sons/Death Guard and Traitor Guard


Chris/Tyler playing Red Scorpions/Iron Hands/Black Templars

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

On the chopping block.

If anyone here is interested, or knows someone that would be interested, my House Taranis Imperial Knight Errant (Melta Cannon/Chainsword, The Imperial Truth.: House Taranis Enters The Fray!) is on the chopping block - $150 or a Knight Warden NIB. Changing houses, so this one no longer works for my purposes.

Also on the chopping block are Craftworld Mymeara Eldar, they are as follows.
10 Wraithguard (Assembled, Well Painted)
5 Wraithguard/Wraithblades (New on Sprue, never got around to painting them)
5 Rangers
2 Wave Serpents (Scatterlaser Turrets)
1 Wraithknight (Suncannon/Scattershield, Scatterlaser, Starcannon, Also has Ghostglaive for appearance)
6 Jetbikes
Clamshell Farseer (was proxied as a Spiritseer for 6th dex)
2 Wraithlords (Brightlance, Scatterlaser, ghostglaive)
$575 worth of models new (not shipped)

They took away the ability to take Wraithguard as troops with a spiritseer, but the Jetbikes are still troops and can be taken in 3 man squads to count for compulsory CAD. I am fairly proud of these models and I will not take a bath on them... $700 The Imperial Truth.: Done for 1500.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Daily Wisdom

"To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor." -Roboute Guiliman

Monday, May 4, 2015


So I had requested off the 16th of this month and actually got that day off. Would anyone like to play a game on that day?

Friday, May 1, 2015

Sound off! What are you working on?

For myself:

Painting 40 Breachers, Fire Raptor, Polux, 3 Rapier Carriers,10 Templar Brethren,10 hammernators and 10 Heavy Support Marines.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


My first loyalist space marine ever painted

Need some bits

Anyone have heresy era melta guns or volkites? Will trade era bolters, heavies or cash.

Monday, April 13, 2015


Rogal Dorn glared at the holographic strategium laid out before him. Rage simmered behind his stone grey eyes. "Captain Garro?" he asked into the cavernous bridge of the Tribune.

Nathaniel Garro, former Captain of the Seventh Great Company of the Death Guard stode forward from the shadows. "Yes, Lord Dorn." he replied.

Dorn looked up from his charts and stared into the eyes of the Death Guard. "What is the dispensation of your forces?" he asked, almost certain he knew the answer already. Garro's spine shot straighter, he longed to return to combat even if not with his former legion. "We are bowed Lord but not broken. I still command enough legionaries and materiel to make a difference."

Dorn rose from his seat at the bridge of the Tribune and turned out to face the stars. "We have need of your Death Guard, Captain. Many of my Imperial Fists have already left the system and I have intelligence indicating there is a traitor strike force moving on the ammunition stores below."

Garro spoke. "Legion or not Lord Dorn, we will make the traitors pay."

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Colg the vengeful

Once a moritat in service to Corax, Colg reaps his vengeance from the confines of his sarcophagus. While the ravens were in retreat during the istvaan drop site massacre Colg repeatedly bought the Sons of Corax time to escape. He would throw himself at the enemy, reap carnage, and fade away into desolate wastes. On the last day of the retreat an enemy storm eagle managed to gravely wound Colg. At that moment Shadowhawk, a Deliverance forged thunderhawk, arrived and ripped into the pursuing world eaters. Corax himself saved Colg, knowing all to well that the ranks of the Ravens would need ever Adeptus Astartes they could muster in the days to come. His wounds too great, he was forced into a sarcophagus so he could continue to make the enemy pay for their treachery.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

More traitors

First heresy game.

So I'm done at two next Saturday. I should have all my ravens on bases by then. Was wondering if anyone is up for a heresy game around three. I'm excited to see how these guys play.

Back in the saddle- For Dorn!

Templar themed Sicaran Battle Tank.

Got a huge pile of Imperial Fists in the works...

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Red Angel

Starting to move through some non-armor for Tyger's World Eaters, for some reason I felt like working on a Primarch after I handed the Spartan over for weathering... so here is Angron.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


It's supposed to be almost 60 degrees. Play the big game in the garage?

4k per faction. Game type TBA. Unbound armies are allowed!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Update to campaign zones

The Lost hold LZ426 and Sector 16 (skyshield pad and the MAC cannon). They denied an attempt by the Damned to seize control of LZ426 via Kill Team battle.

The Hive hold The Wyrd (archeotech psychic tuner).

The Alliance hold Deff Valley (wall of martyrs) and The Glade (mega-bastion).

The Damned hold Capitol Blvd and Tower Point (Vox tower Arcus).

Next; The Damned will face The Lost for entry into the first finals slot. The winner's territories will all then be vacated and we will begin fighting to get the second slot for the finals.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Campaign Housekeeping

The Alliance defeated the Hive for control of the Glade on Saturday.

The Damned defeated the Zealous for control of Tower Point as well.

This means that 3 factions hold 2 zones and 1 faction holds 1 zone.

The Zealous are winless in the first 2 rounds of play and are therefore eliminated from the later rounds.

The next phase of combat is for the Lost to battle the Damned for control of Capitol Blvd. A win for the Lost puts them in the first finals slot.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week Two

"Quartermaster!!" Commissar Prash shouted at the top of his lungs.

A masked figure with a dusty greatcoat and a skull emblazoned on his helmet rushed to the Commissar’s side. He stood silently for a moment and then leaned down to inspect the corpse of Lt Colonel Braithwaite.

“Would you please remove that?” asked Prash, politely. “Right away sir.” He responded. Prash noticed he was standing in a small pool of Braithwaite’s blood. He kicked the toe of his boot into the dirt to blot it up.

Prash stared at the dataslate in his hand, new reports streamed in from the field at a feverish pace. He habitually thumbed the firing stud of his archeotech pistol as he read.
To his left there was a clicking noise and he instinctively drew his pistol and leveled it at his would be attacker.

A young man festooned in a gold trimmed, black cape stared unaffected at the Commissar. Circling rapidly around his head was a trio of green glowing servo skulls. They bathed him in light; quickly protecting him from the threat with a refractor field. The man spoke with a clipped timbre. “Members of the Ordo Chronos are not unaccustomed to having weapons pointed at them Commissar. However, we normally request more courtesy from our colleagues in the Astra Militarum.”

“Inquisitor…?” Prash said; hanging a question in the air.
“Fell.” The young man replied.

Prash holstered his weapon. There was no mistaking the bearing and appearance of a member of the Ordo Chronos. Fell had the markings of a predator; keen eyes and a lean build. He wore the robes of the Inquisition as well as their seal on his belt. He was saddled with technology that Prash felt heretical for even laying his eyes upon.
Prash bowed slightly and said “I assume you’re here to discuss the unknown Astartes currenting laying waste to New Hope?” Inquisitor Fell smirked. “I’m not here to discuss anything Commissar. I am here to commandeer a vehicle and a few of your men. I need them to accompany me to the front.”

All around them, men and women scurried. Vehicles roared to life and departed their makeshift camp. Prash took a step toward Fell. It had been a long while since the Commissar had been pushed around and he did not care for it.“As you can see Inquisitor; we are in full retreat. A sodding huge lot of Tyranids are bearing down on New Hope and we’re directly in their path. They’ve already taken the zone to our North known as The Wyrd.”

“Certainly.” the Inquistor responded. He looked down at his belt and the gilded Inquisitorial seal which hung there.

Commissar Prash knew there was nothing more to say. In fact, he had already said too much. Suddenly he felt very lucky to be alive as he also gazed at the Inquisitorial seal. Had Fell desired he could have simply executed Prash on the spot for failing to respond with anything but an emphatic “yes”. “B-but for the Emperor’s Inquisition we will certainly make it so.” Prash motioned to a subordinate. “Lieutenant, muster squad 44 and a Valkyrie for Inquisitor Fell.” The Lieutenant noticed Prash’s ashen pallor and simply saluted, then ran off to perform his duty.

“You should know Inquisitor; the Astartes have already moved onto Sector 16. They fight like devils sir and now they hold the Firebase in that area. The marines so thoroughly routed the Xenos in that region that we’re not certain the Xenos alliance can recover. We expect them to encounter either the Red Scorpions and Dark Angels or the Crimson Slaughter at any time.”

The Valkyrie engines screamed above them as it entered the LZ. Fell looked up at his escort and smiled widely. “My good Commissar. Confine your concerns to those foul Tyranids. Let me worry about our time tossed Astartes. The Ordo has this in hand.”

Prash shielded his face with his forearm as the Inquisitor boarded the Valkyrie; its engines throwing up dust everywhere. The massive turbines fired and it raised into the sky. “I highly fugging doubt that.” muttered Prash as the Valkyrie rocketed away.

Control the Zones

Tim asked for an update on the zones held so here you go:

The Lost hold LZ426 and Sector 16 (skyshield pad and the MAC cannon).

The Hive hold The Wyrd (archeotech psychic tuner).

The Alliance hold Deff Valley (wall of martyrs).

The Damned hold Capitol Blvd and are tied for control of Tower Point with The Zealous.

That means; The Glade and Necropolis are still open. The Hive will battle the Alliance for one of these zones on Saturday.

If The Damned are able to defeat The Zealous for Tower Point they will face The Lost for entry into the first finals slot. The winner's territories will all then be vacated and we will begin fighting to get the second slot for the finals.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Saturday Schedule

Hello All,
We have not been able to schedule a tiebreaker game for the Zealous versus the Damned yet.

I propose that we replay that game (3k per faction, purge, meteor special rules in play) right away on Saturday morning. We play to bottom of the 4th turn and end it- in order to keep the games moving.

The Hive took control of The Wyrd last time due to lack of an opponent. My next proposal is that The Alliance takes on the Hive in the other game for Saturday morning. If you can all agree on an open territory to battle over, I will supply a game type on that day. Plan on 3000 pts per faction for army size.

This leaves the Lost to sit out round one (in the lead). If time permits, they can play the afternoon game against the Damned for control of Capitol Blvd.

To be clear; a victory over The Damned at Capitol Blvd means that The Lost will have won the first slot in the final game. This would vacate all their territory and everyone left is battling for the final slot in the championship game. In other words; this is where it gets interesting.

Start time will be 9AM as usual.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Next Game Day is Feb 21st

Given Tim's upcoming slew of weekends, should we make this the finale? Proposing a huge battle between the Lost and the Damned for campaign supremacy.

That is unless someone takes Capitol Blvd from the Damned...

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The shadow storm bane doom hammer lord sword

A barrel piece not done yet to make it the shadowsword or doomhammer but pretty much done otherwise