Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Felvast III

"Does the train still run?" No response. A blistering cold wind shot through the remains of the manufactorum. The Eldar had blasted it with something massive to do this type of damage. Without the flow of Promethium, the heat exchangers had given out and the place quickly fell to ruin once the crews evacuated.

Again, "Does the train still run?" Third Captain Mokra turned to face his equerry. "It would appear it does. Quite recently in fact." He pointed the thick finger of his power fist toward the locomotive. "No snow." he added flatly.

Indeed everything else in sight was covered in it. White, powdery death. Ordo Xenos reports indicated that the planet was all but uninhabitable due to freak snowstorms which would blanket the area in meters of the stuff in the blink of an eye. The refinery crews referred to it as a "white fall".

No matter, the Imperium required Promethium and they would see to it that it was secured...

Monday, July 25, 2016

Promethium Relay Pipes

The theme of my table is an abandoned Promethium Refinery. Well you can't have a refinery without pipes. Here are my finished, snow-covered relay pipes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Some updates.

So I've been busy with work lately and haven't had as much time to paint as I would like to have. I did however finish this beast.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Pain Train

The main components of my train for the new snow table are finished. I am not adding snow to these because I want to give the appearance that the train is still in use. I'm also not weathering these like I would a vehicle because this is just scenery, really. All that's left is to build a Rhino for the armor carrier car to haul.

Monday, July 11, 2016

If you're not sick of terrain posts...

I finished my manufactorum kits tonight.

These are primed black, drybrushed leadbelcher, layered with Typhus Corrosion and then lightly drybrushed with Ryza Rust before adding the snow.

40K game. Yes, you read that right.

Anyone up for a game of Warhammer: 40,000? My house on 7/30 to break in my new table. I am thinking 3k pts per player, 2 players per side.

Friday, July 8, 2016


Built a manufactorum and a stand to hold an oil tank which I'm still looking for...

Friday, July 1, 2016

Landing Pad- Finished

Flocked with fresh snow which looks much better than I expected! Just have to clear it now. Lots of weathering, chipping, rust effects that you'll have to see in person.