Monday, October 31, 2016

Lots of little things.

Been working on several things lately. Can't really decide what I want to focus on so I decided to do a bit of everything. That everything include:

Some dirty rat bastards,

Necromunda Gang

Some 40k Grav-cannons

The beginning of my green tide.

The start of the zone mort being painted.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Still Watching

More Deathwatch for the store campaign! These guys are turning out to be a lot of fun and helped me get back into the swing of painting, figuring out that I need to do 1 model at a time rather than batch painting. It will take longer but the end result is something that I am happier with, and I discovered that batch painting was really killing my drive to paint, just too repetitive and boring, I much prefer seeing 1 guy through to the end.

Howling Griffons

Sons of Medusa


Black Templars

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Watchers

Well, it's been a little bit since I have posted anything. I am working on cleaning up my condo in order to sell it and that required moving my painting desk, Warhammer shelf and many other things. I decided to join the upcoming Deathwatch vs Genestealer Campaign at the Warhammer store and had to bring my paint back, and set up a "satellite" paint station. Here are the first round of models.

Knights of Gryphonne


Space Wolves

Vael Donatus - Ultramarines

Drenn Redblade - Space Wolves

Zameon Gydrael - Dark Angels

Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Fury of Nocturn Rises

Been working on some assembly and priming of my salamanders. Still have a spartan and a land raider to assemble.