Sunday, February 26, 2017

40K Batrep: Thousand Sons vs Red Scorpions

Hey Everyone,
Kevin and I played a 2500 pt 40K game today. I took some pics and will provide sort of a round by round (not exact) batrep.

Set-up: This was pretty unique as we played a mission from Wrath of Magnus. I dont recall the name but basically the Scorps deploy in a box and the T-Sons get to surround them. T-Sons also go first so Scorps have no ability to seize. Crucially though, T-Sons must destroy every enemy unit to win!

Turn One: opened with Magnus using his gaze to strip 2 hp from the Fellblade and deleting one of the Predators. A Helbrute destroyed the second Predator. A bit more shooting resulted in the loss of two RS tactical marines and 1W on a Centurion.

Red Scorpions took the field utilizing Skyhammer Annihilation Force. I have to say, this is pretty OP and probably ultimately won the game for Scorps. Not because of a ton of kills on this first turn but because it got RS right in the face of the T-Sons. This prevented a lot of their witchfire powers from being useful later in the game. The Scorps killed a handful of Sons using shooting and then stuck in assault two squads.
Turn Two: Kevin failed to bring in his Helturkey but Magnus did some more damage, easily wiping out a tactical squad. Fellblade and Centurions took a few wounds from Magnus. Devastators took a couple of hull pts off Helbrutes which opened up Commander Culln to charge one of them. Nothing much happened in the assaults. Slow attrition of those forces.
Turn Three: It got pretty interesting! Magnus used his gaze and then charged the Fellblade. This caused the tank to explode which was ultimately not good for Magnus. He took his last two wounds from the catastrophic explosion! It also killed one of the Centurions and obviously, the Fellblade was now a 
crater. The Helturkey came in and killed a couple of marines with its baleflamer. Culln killed a Helbrute and then consolidated toward the second one. Some devastators killed a couple of Sons terminators and the assaults continued from turn one. Yawn.
Turn Four: Ahriman finally died and Scorps managed to win a couple of assaults here. Sons Terminators wiped out a squad of RS Devastators. Culln killed a second Helbrute with Smash attacks. We rolled for variable game length and kept playing.
Turn Five: this was pretty much it. Scorps won another assault and Sons terminators were assaulted by jump marines. Helturkey vector struck the final centurion, wiping that squad. This round saw Thousand Sons with only 1 terminator and the Heldrake on the board. Kevin conceded since there was likely no way to meet his victory condition.

WINNER: Red Scorpions

Friday, February 17, 2017

Who wants forgeworld?

Anyone need anything? Time to order inferno and that free express shipping over 250 is tempting

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Magnus done

Anyone interested in a game of 40k sometime? I know he's good at knocking over paint pots and getting stuck in my lamp, just need to see how he does on the field now. I can't do this weekend, maybe the next. I can take a Saturday off if that's better for people.