Sunday, February 28, 2016

Kept painting...

Weathering these guys a bit less. Don't wanna be a one trick pony ;)

Weekly Update - World Eaters

12 more World Eaters ready for clear (too windy to clear tonight) and then I will blood the 20, I have found 5 extras that accidentally got thrown in with my stuff that I need to bring up and I will work on them in the midst of assembling Ultras. Ultras upgrades also showed up!

The picture is shitty and the lighting washes out a lot of depth as do all of my pictures with this light and my phone.

My weekly update

10 Red Scorpions Assault Marines and 2 Predators. 1 Annihilator pattern and the other is Autocannon/Heavy Bolters.

Washed black and drybrushed back up to gray. These are literally the last models I have for this army. Planning to begin on Imperial Fists again next week.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Death from the above!

This weeks project: the entire 10 man squad of dark furies. All it took was painting one for me to love painting these models. They are quite a bit more dyanmic then I originally thought.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Sicaran done

Have to work on some iconography for it, hopefully t-sons transfers some day. Went a little too heavy on the weathering but it came out pretty good

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

More Troops, and a Speeder

So this week I made some great progress in the troops area as well. I finished the remaining tactical squad. I finished the last 10 scouts I had. As an extra bonus I also finished one of my two land speeder storms for one of the scout squads.

The last 6 I had to paint. They are by far the best of the bunch.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

You guys like Space Marines?

30 Red Scorpions ready for transfers and basing. They should be done this week. Then I'm on to 10 assault marines and the Scorps are DONE!

Sunday, February 14, 2016


After looking around online I'm debating on going with a beige color instead of the white accents for the t-sons. I'm on the fence. White is probably more correct for the scheme but I like the kind of sand/parchment feel the beige gives it, plus I don't have to paint white then. What I don't like about the beige is with the red and gold there isn't enough contrast to make the scheme interesting. Thoughts or suggestions anyone?

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Raven Guard Update #2

For this weeks update I retouched up my scouts. They look much less grey and more like ghosts. My second task this week was the weapons upgrade for Colg, the Vengeful. Going from the assault cannons to the havoc launcher and lascannons is sure to make a difference. I think the white on the muzzles also brings out the model much more. I added transfers to my recon squad as well.  I also primed the Mor'deythane and the Dark Furies.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Update 2 Red Scorpions tacs

Hi Guys,
Lots more progress this week. This is 20 tactical marines and 10 devastators. I am batch painting them so what you see here is; basecoat gray, wash black, drybrush gray, basecoat brown, layer yellow. 

Next up is to lay down white, metals, red, transfers, weathering and basing.

Weekly Update #2, More ready for blood.

4 more World Eaters ready for blood! 4 more on deck, also happened to build a test model for The Mighty XIIIth while I was waiting for Transfers to set and dry on these guys! Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

XIX vs Ahriman 2000 Points

Last night (this morning) Kevin and I played a game. Battle Report and pictures to follow.

XIX list:
Age of Darkness; Decapitation Strike
Alverex Maun
10 man Assault Squad Artificer armor p-sword on Sgt. 2 Plasma pistols in unit.
7 Man Recon Squad with rifles and Chameloelines in power armour. (accompanied by Maun)
10 man Tactical Squad with drop pod
10 man Mor'Deythane 7 Combi-plamas 3 plasma guns in a Darkwing Stormeagle.
Corvus Corax

Ahriman (master of cultists)
Dark Apostle with Murder Sword
Helbrute with Plasma Cannon
2x 3 man Mutilator Squads with mark of Tzeentch, veterans of the long war
1x 20 man cultist squad w/ autoguns, flamer and heavy stubber and mark of Tzeentch
1x 20 man cultist squad w/ autoguns and mark of Tzeentch
1x 20 man cultist squad w/ autopistols and mark of Tzeentch
1 Heldrake w/ baleflamer
2x 3 man Obliterators w/ mark of Tzeentch and veterans of the long war

Game Setup: Type Cloak and Dagger; Deploymen: Hammer and Anvil
XIX deploy first.

Warlord Traits: XIX: (don't remember because it didn't matter) Ahriman: Infiltrate d3 infantry units.


XIX: Corvus was the only model deployed before Infiltrators
Ahriman: Cultists Ahriman and a set of Oblits defended the backfield from infiltration. Kevin made sure to spread the cultists out to give me no room for open deployment back there.

Ravens won the infiltrator roll off. Alvarex Maun posted up with the recon squad in the center forest.
Ahriman deployed a set of oblits and a set of mutilators in the builinds in the XIX's deployment zone.

Kevin managed to seize the initiative, but due to Alvarex Maun being on the board XIX got to re-roll that dice, and kept chaos from seizing.

XIX Turn 1:The XIX opened up with a drop pod right into the heart of the chaos army. Squad Oryv deployed with one target in mind, Ahriman himself. After a rapid fire volley and decapitation strike re-rolls Ahriman fell. Corvus held an objective.

Points: 1 from Secure Objective 1, 2 from Kingslayer, 1 from First Blood, 1 From Slay the Warlord
Total: XIX-5  Ahriman-0

Ahriman Turn 1: Chaos retaliated against Sqaud Oryv with a tide of cultists fire and assault cannons from the obliterators. 86 shots and 42 wounds later a lone Raven survived. He failed his leadership and began retreating.

The cultists on the hill fired at the recons squad along with the Helbrute's plasma cannon. The obliterators in the XIX backfield joined in as well with another 3 plasma cannons. The onslaught of shots left 3 dead recon squad a Maun suffered 1 wound.

Points: 1 from Objective 3, 1 from Objective 2
Total XIX-5 Ahriman-2

XIX Turn 2:The assault squad and the Mor'deythane both succeeded in arrive on turn 2. The assault squad brashly deployed right next to a group of cultists that were accompanied by a dark apostle. The Mor'Deythane capitalized on Maun's Nightfall Nuncio-vox and deployed without hesitation in the backfield of the XIX. 

A lascannon from the Darkwing destroyed a mutilator out right. A 12 plasma 3 plasma guns and 3 combi-plasmas incinerated the remaining mutilators. 

Points: 1 from Objective 1, 1 from Overwhelming Firepower
Total: XIX-7 Ahriman-2


Ahriman Turn 2:The followers of Ahriman brought the pain this turn. The Heldrake deployed in position to scorch the XIX assault squad, in collaboration with the cultists. This left 3 marines left.

Mutilators deep struck to seize another objective in the XIX backfield.

The Oblits in the back field rained a hail of assault cannons upon the Mor'deythane killing 4.

Due to the shadowed lord rule the Oblits in Ahriman's deployment zone shot at the rear armor of the Darkwing, sending it crashing to the ground.

Cultists charged both the lone Raven in middle board and the remaining assault squad. The Helbrute assaulted and blew up the drop pod. Yes i said "Cultists charged."

Points: 1 from Objective 4, D3 for 3 points from assault and wipe out 3+ units.
Total XIX 7 Ahriman-6

XIX Turn 3:Corvus started making his way towards the newly arrived Mutilators.The Mor'Deythane consolidated on the objective in the backfield. Maun and the recon squad made a desperate move to control the objective in the center of the open board.

The Mor'Deythane used fatal strike with 2 bolters and 8 plasma shots. The bolters rended and the combine fire left a single Oblit alive.

Corvus assaulted the Mutilators....and failed even with the fleet re-roll. 

Points: None
Total: XIX 7 Ahriman-6

Ahriman Turn 3:The Heldrake moved in to attack the Mor'Deythane. The Helbrute began marching toward Maun and the recon squad.

The Drake decimated the Mor'Deythane leaving just the Shade alive in his Artificer Armour.

The Helbrute blasted the recon squad out of existence forsaking Maun by himself.

Points: 1 from Objective 4
Total XIX 7 Ahriman 7

XIX Turn 4: With 3 models left on the board the Ravens were holding on for dear life. 

The Shade fired a volley of plasma at the remaining Oblit, causing 1 wound.

Corvus Vector striked the mutilators and charged. The mutilators were using chainfists. Corvus used scourge fighting style for d3 extra attacks. He had 10 attacks on the charge. His hammer of wrath failed to wound the oblits. His attacks managed to kill only 1 Mutilator, but blinded them all. No wounds were inflicted to Corvus but the Mutilators made their morale check. 

Points: None
Total XIX 7 Ahriman 7

Ahriman Turn 4: At this point Ahriman's backfield started moving up the field. A large wave of cultists started closing in on Corvus' first position. The Helbrute marched towards Maun.

The cultists on the hill fired a volley of 28 shots at Maun and wounded him once, leaving him with one wound left. 

The Helbrute fired his plasma cannon at Maun, who went to ground, just to have it over heat. He subsequently charged Maun and failed.

Corvus finished off the blinded Mutilators with his 8 attacks. 

Points 1 from Objective 3
Total XIX 7 Ahriman 8

XIX Turn 5: After all 3 remaining models survived the round, none of them moved and none of them shot. The XIX had secured 3 objectives they had been trying to get for 3 turns.

Points: 1 from D3 for controlling 3 objectives, 1 from control objective 4
Total: XIX 9 Ahriman 8

Ahriman Turn 5: The Heldrake vector striked and wounded Corvus. The Helbrute turned and fired on Maun finally taking him out of the game. The remaining Oblitorater charged the Shade, just to be cut down by the overwatch.

Points 1 from all mysterious objectives revealed
Total XIX 9 Ahriman 9


Update #1

Well, since everyone else decided to jump the gun and get their updates ahead of schedule, I guess I need to follow along, so here is an update on Tyler's World Eaters.

This Vexilla bearer is still in progress but almost done, just needs transfers and some final touch up.

These 3 are done other than some blood spray, I am going to do all the blood spray at one time once they are all in the same state as these guys. The middle guy is a "Veteran Sergeant" who still wears his Warhounds colors from the days before Angron took control of his Legion, this was a request by Tyger, as it's stated in Book 1 that some of them still did this during the crusade. Sorry for the picture quality, snapped these quickly before work this morning.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Raven Guard Update #1

Finished off 2 of 4 scout squads. Veteran Sgt. Revax using a Mor'deythan Sniper Rifle as the Nihilus relic. I actually attempted some edge highlighting on these models and think for the most part they came out decent. Used the Heresy recon markings instead of company markings too. I really like the look of them with the numerals.