Thursday, August 25, 2016

Heavy Hitters

Since I finished my Path to Glory minis early this month it was time to work on some back logged Ravens. Decided to finish my Vanguard Vets.

Deathwatch ruling please

Need to make sure everyone is cool with this when writing my Deathwatch army list. I have an email from FW stating that Contemptors and Leviathans can be taken by Deathwatch as relics. Deathwatch has no access to Techmarines so this would mean 1 per list. Is everyone ok with me including (in theory) one or the other in my list?

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Path of Glory Update

I've been painting some more sallys for path of glory. Here's what I've done since last update.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Carnosaur with Kroq-Gar

Tough paint job but I think it was worth it.

Planet Strike

So I've been rearranging the house for a few weeks now. I can't seem to find my planet strike book. I don't suppose I lent it out to any of you guys did I?

Carnosaur- in progress

This guy's mostly done. I hope to finish him and start the rider tonight. I might need a place to take pics, this is really busy with all those paints in the background!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Hi Guys,
Starting in earnest on the Seraphon tonight. I figured I would work on something I feel more comfortable with, first. A tank!

All that's left is the Skink "gunners" that hang from the dais.