Friday, January 19, 2018

Atramentar Assemble!

So I finished the 10 man squad  (minus lightning bolts). Had a bit of fun with converting the Sargent. Overall I think they came out decent.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

100 power level game, 1.5.18 results

Hi All,
We played an 8ed game at the WH Store on 1.5 for Tony's birthday. It was a double surprise reveal as I unveiled my new Star Phantoms Primaris army and Tony even more shockingly revealed a Death Guard army! Shane allied with me, deploying his Deathwatch (we thought we were fighting T'au) and Kevin's heretic Astartes sided with Tony.

We used the new Open War cards which were pretty fun. The draws resulted in a spearpoint deployment, a relic to claim and a twist card which took the form of a secondary "kingbreaker" objective.

Loyalists won the roll to start the game and without belaboring the point too much, we pretty much rode that initial round to carry all subsequent rounds. The heretics bowed out at the end of turn three, allowing the Imperium to declare victory.

Sadly I don't think anyone took any pics but we have another game already planned for February 4th.