Monday, December 29, 2014

Match-Ups for this weekend

The Hive vs The Lost for control of the Wyrd.

The Damned take on the Zealous for the Tower.

1500 pts per side, game type is a secret. To be announced the day of the tourney.

One losing faction will have an opportunity to battle the Alliance at their earliest availability. Game type for that match will also be secret in order to maintain fairness.

House Taranis Enters The Fray!

While on vacation I got the sudden urge to finish my Knight, he was already basecoated and just waiting on the actual detail portion... Here is the result of my sudden urge.

New Dreadnought.

For those of us that do not receive the Forgeworld Newsletter.... a preview of the new pattern of Dreadnought currently being sculpted.

Definitely based on a Contemptor Sarcophagus... But holy weapons platform!!! and Maybe 14 Front AV?

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Dear Power Gamers

The point limit for the infantry unit to be summoned by holding the Tower zone is 200 pts.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Zones please

Hi All,
Please email or message me and let me know which zone your faction would like to battle for next.


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Game Size

Hi All,
For round two plan on 1500 pts again. I want to keep these initial phases similar in scope. Game type should be decided this weekend, just doing some reading before I decide.

Contemptor load outs.

So with the changes to the moritat i find myself not taking two destroyer squads. This frees me up some points. I was thinking on load outs for contemptors. I can afford two in the list. But not sure if I should run them as big guns or as a gun and a close combat weapon or twin las cannon. Just interested in seeing what other people run for theirs and any advice for using them.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Final results

The Alliance conquered the Hive. The Tau and Necrons are now holding Deff Valley.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Heresy Updates and FAQs

So how does the new faqs mess with your guys current army moritat got real shitty all of a sudden. However Kaedes Nex has both precise shots and precise strikes which isnt too bad. My Mor Deythane are now scoring units/objective secured models.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Next Game Day

Hello All,
The next proposed game date is Saturday 1/3/15. Please let me know if this works?

Also to re-cap; The Lost hold LZ426 and the Damned hold Capitol Blvd. The Hive will take on The Alliance for control of Deff Valley this weekend.

Start thinking of your next proposed zone to attack and possible kill team targets!


Monday, December 1, 2014

Week One


There was no response. Commissar Prash looked sternly through his long range viewer, not acknowledging his subordinate.

The prompt came again, “Sir?”

Prash turned slowly to see Lt Colonel Braithwaite. He held a dataslate in his gloved hand. As Prash lowered his viewfinder, he noticed that Braithwaite was bleeding from under his helmet. “Lieutenant, are you injured?” Braithwaite looked somewhat faint, he was sweating and had clearly lost a significant amount of blood. “Just a fleshwound Sir. My men and I are just back from Area 317, the area the Death Korps refer to as ‘Deff Valley’.” Prash took the slate from his hand, “what am I looking at, exactly?”

“Battle reports from the last few days Sir. Fighting has intensified in a couple of key strategic locales and it seems there are new factions involved.” Prash studied the screen intently. “Lieutenant, why are Astartes battling Astartes at LZ426?” Braithwaite had begun to fade, he was leaning against the hull of a Leman Russ with his head bowed. At the word of the Commissar he snapped back to attention. “Sir! Yes, uhh we believe that the Dark Angels and Red Scorpions may have more information but at the moment they’re not responding to our communiques. They took quite a pounding. We show no corresponding marks on file for the Astartes they did battle with at LZ426. The Inquisition is getting involved Sir; specifically the Ordo Chronos. In the meantime, these unknown Marines have taken possession of the teleport beacon and the landing zone.”

The Commissar flipped through several pages on the slate and turned to face Braithwaite. “I see. What can you tell me about these traitorous bastards from the 113th? According to this; they may actually be supporting our efforts.” A thin line of blood streamed from the Lieutenants nose and ran down onto his uniform “plip, plip” in little drops it spattered on the silver Aquila on his chest. 

Braithwaite returned; “Well sir, intelligence indicates that the traitorous guardsmen from the 113th were able to route a combined Xenos threat within the city. They made a hell of a mess of Capitol Boulevard, Commissar. Our former brethren are fortifying their position as we speak. Decrypted Vox transmissions indicate they may have been a vanguard force sir.” “A vanguard?” Prash replied. “Yes sir, we believe Chaos forces from the warband known as the Crimson Slaughter are arriving in orbit over the city now. Our Naval forces are engaging them in ship to ship combat…” Braithwaite began to slump as he trailed off. Prash set the dataslate down and returned to his viewer “That explains why these Tau are advancing on Deff Valley I suppose. Seems they think by entrenching themselves on the edge of the city, perhaps they can shell the Chaos forces from the safety of those Aegis lines.”

A cloud of dust blew in from the western edge of the zone and Prash adjusted the filters on his viewer to compensate. Within the cloud he could discern shapes. Those shapes were Tyranid bioforms. His mouth got dry and he felt a hot flush at the back of his neck. He snapped the lens of his viewer closed and turned to Braithwaite. “Lieutenant, broadcast emergency Vox on all channels. The Tyranids have made landfall at Area 317. Begin our withdrawal, prepare area for Exterminatus.” 

Braithwaite lay still and unbreathing, splayed over an ammunition crate. Prash could see clearly now the crack in his helmet and the knife lodged in the back of his skull.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Hey guys. My wife tells me I have afternoon commitments on Saturday so I want to plan on starting at 8 AM. Please get there as close to 8 as possible.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Last minute change

In order to facilitate communication within the factions; the Alliance will now consist of Tyler's Necrons and Andy's Tau. The Zealous will now be James' Dark Angels and my Red Scorpions.

Welcome to the winning team, James. Tim has my email address.

Match-ups for Saturday- 8AM start!

The Damned will battle the Alliance for control of Capitol Blvd

The Lost will battle the Zealous for LZ426

The losers of the first game set (GMs choice) will battle The Hive for Deff Valley.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Campaign Game Type

Will be Emperor's Will for week one. Please get in touch with your faction mate and let me know which strategic locale you would like to battle for. I will make the battle pairings based on that info.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Campaign Kickoff

Hi All,
The date is November 29th. 1500 pts per player/3000 pts per faction. I am working on game type now and will let you all know ASAP.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Campaign Update

The Battle for Redemption- Campaign 2014

The world of Redemption was once the seat of the entire Urgalt Cluster. A system of planets which house a vast array of Agri-Worlds and raw materials desperately needed to fuel the endless war.
Redemption itself has been torn apart by hundreds of years of conflict. Nearly every warring faction in the galaxy desires to lay claim to it. However, what is only known to a precious few is the true reason why Redemption is such a prize.
On the continent of Hope and deep beneath the capital city of New Hope lays a stable warp rift crafted by a long dead xenos civilization. This warp gate would provide a strategic launching point to countless other locations across the galaxy. Imperial Scholars from the Ordo Chronos have speculated that this rift may also enable time travel across the Empyrean. The value of this portal cannot be calculated. It is not hyperbole to say that whoever holds the rift and accesses its secrets may someday soon rule the galaxy.
The battle for the New Hope Rift has begun. Marshal your forces; there is no time for peace.
The Factions
The Lost- Sons of Horus and Death Guard (Shane and Tony)
The Damned- Forces of Chaos (Tim and Kevin)
The Alliance- Necrons and Tau (Tyler and Andy)
The Zealous- Red Scorpions and Dark Angels (Chris and James)
The Hive- Tyranids (Mindy)
The Battlegrounds
Sector Sixteen- A barren, bombed-out wasteland surrounding the approach to New Hope. This no man’s land is riddled with magna mines, barbed wire and tank traps. Decades of fighting to gain a foothold here have proven fruitless.
Strategic Asset- Firebase 77. The player who holds this asset may fire the MAC cannon once per game. It is considered twin-linked for purposes of this asset use.
The Glade- a once lush forest, now twisted and poisoned by the unending conflict on Redemption. This area is home to some indigenous wildlife which does not appreciate the way their home has been treated.
Strategic Asset- Lost Hope, Imperial Mega-Bastion. The player who holds this asset may include it in their army as a fortification (for free). It is considered a Mighty Bulwark and possesses automated weaponry.
LZ 426- On the outskirts of New Hope, this landing zone is one of the hardest fought locales in the entire theatre of war on Redemption. Laced with Aegis lines, ammo and fuel stores and the corpses of thousands; this is where the winner of the war may be determined.
Strategic Asset- Skyshield Landing Pad, Victor Bravo. The player who holds this asset may deep strike any unit from their army list, beginning on turn one. This unit will not scatter but may not assault on the same turn which it arrived.
Capital Boulevard- The once beautiful capital of New Hope is now a smoking husk. Dilapidated and blackened buildings line this shattered street. Beneath the surface, the true treasure of Redemption awaits its new master.
Strategic Asset- The Emperor’s Visage, Shrine of the Aquila. The player who holds this asset gains the following USRs (army wide). Hatred (other factions) and Preferred Enemy (other factions).
The Wyrd- A small, deserted patch of land to the west of New Hope. It houses a single, mysterious archeotech machine which none of the factions truly understand. Of course, that does not stop them from fighting over it.
Strategic Asset- Archeotech Psychic Tuner. The player who holds this asset may place the asset anywhere on the map during the deployment phase. The tuner is considered to be indestructible as it exists both in realspace and in the warp at the same time. Any enemy units within 12” of the device may not generate warp charges or use psychic powers. Friendly units within 12” may add an additional warp charge and re-roll any perils of the warp table results.
Tower Point- a small bluff in the middle of the Yehiri Desert. This bleak and forgotten locale is the optimum point to broadcast vox messages across the entire continent of Hope. The Imperium long ago realized that the entire bluff is filled with a metallic ore which boosts vox signals to previously unknown ranges.
Strategic Asset- Vox Tower Arcus. The player who holds this asset may (once per game) summon 1 unit of troops from their army codex. The unit enters play from reserve using the Outflank special rule.
Deff Valley- forces of the Orks and the Death Korps of Krieg have contested this bloody gulch for several years with neither side giving an inch of ground. This lowland is lined completely with trenches and small fortifications, packed with the bodies of martyrs to their war.
Strategic Asset- Wall of Martyrs. The player who holds this asset may place a section of 3 trenches in their army list for free. Friendly units in these trenches possess the Stubborn special rule. Alternatively the player may select to add 1 Vengeance Weapon Battery to their army list (for free).
Necropolis- untold secrets lay beneath the surface of Redemption. One such secret is the Necron tomb citadel of Ashran’ka. A daring commander could choose to awaken the Necrons deep beneath the surface of the planet but he may not understand the scope of his actions…
Strategic Asset- Necron Control Matrix. The player who controls this asset may at any time “awaken” a (500 pt fixed) Necron force to attack his enemy. The Necron units arrive using the deep strike rules. Initially the Necrons will only attack the enemy faction. At the beginning of each subsequent player turn, the controlling player must roll a D6. On a roll of 1-4 the Necrons will also begin attacking the controlling player’s army. On a roll of 5 the Necrons continue to unknowingly aid the controlling player for the remainder of the turn. On a roll of 6, the Necrons blindly attack the enemy of the controlling player until they are laid to waste. No further rolls are required.
Grand Warlord Traits
Each faction must nominate a Grand Warlord. You may choose whether or not to field your grand warlord on a game by game basis. Each Grand Warlord trait has been created by the campaign gamemaster and is designed to take advantage of the unique play style of the chosen faction. Fielding your Grand Warlord is obviously a huge advantage as it provides you the Grand Warlord trait. However, there is a risk as well. Slaying a Grand Warlord provides an additional D3 victory points to the slayer and the opponent may not field their GW in the next game in which they play. If the GW is slain in a challenge; the winner of the challenge receives an additional D6 victory points!
The Lost- Grand Warlord Trait, “Time Lost Legions”. Units from this faction cause Fear and possess the Crusader USR.
The Damned- Grand Warlord Trait, “Black Crusade”. All friendly units have the Fearless and Fleet special rules when within 24” of the Grand Warlord.
The Zealous- Grand Warlord Trait, “The Emperor Ascendant”. All friendly units have the Hatred (infantry) and Preferred Enemy (other factions) when within 24” of the Grand Warlord.
The Alliance- Grand Warlord Trait, “Luther’s Prediction”. Dark Angels and Tau are treated as Battle Brothers. Infantry units in this faction gain the Outflank USR.
The Hive- Grand Warlord Trait, “The Hungry Darkness”- Non-flying units from Codex: Tyranids have the Shrouded special rule. When an enemy psyker rolls on the perils of the warp table, you may force them to re-roll. The second result will be kept.
How To Play (AKA How to WIN!)
The goal of each faction is to gain control of two Battlegrounds PLUS the Capital Boulevard Battleground (3 in all). The first round of campaign battles will be fought to claim battlefields and gain their strategic assets. At any time after week one (even in the middle of a battle) a faction may challenge another faction to a Kill Team battle to fight for a claimed battlefield/asset. Unclaimed but contested battlefields will always require a full game to claim. An attempt to claim an uncontested battlefield will result in the claimant faction battling a foe of the GMs choosing using a game type of the GMs choosing. Should the GM win, the territory will be claimed by the GM faction and the GM will be considered to hold that asset.
Once a faction has completed the campaign goals, they will advance to the final battle. Their battlegrounds and strategic assets will be vacated; leaving the remaining factions to war over their territory and attempt to complete the same mission. The second faction to complete the goal will advance to fight in the final battle. The first faction to win entrance to the final battle will automatically go first in the final battle and will choose their deployment zone. It will not be possible to seize the initiative. The third faction and fourth faction will not be allowed into the final battle (unless some backdoor deals are coordinated amongst the factions…) but they should definitely feel free to scrap it out on the surface for bragging rights.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Turn 5

Krannon still locked in combat.
Hell turkey eats some marines.

Turn 4 (bottom)

Sons terminators left krannon alone but locked in combat
Drake vector strike exploded the brute.

Turn 4 (top)

Bale flamer melts the sarge and another t-sin.
The predator kills cypher at last.
One khorne berserker died to gets hot. Two more sons died. The berzerkers ravaged the sons in close combat completely wiping them out.
Helbrute shakes the vindicator with his melta. Then blows it up in close combat.
Oblits kill the terminator.

Turn (bottom)

Vindicator hit both the brute and the raider. Penned both. Blew up the raider. Crazed the brute.
No wounds and still locked in combat.
One fallen overheated. Cypher double penned and immobilized and destroyed a sponson.

Turn 3 (top)

Hell turkey killed a chosen.
 The lone terminator locks up the oblits in combat.

Turn 2 (bottom of)

Vengeance for the forge fiend. The khorne terminators find themselves surrounded by pissed off red corsairs and t-sons. The t-sons psychic onslaught ripped 5 terminators apart including he sarge. He remaining bolter fire dropped the squad to one man. The terminator sorc wasted his combi-melta in the attempt to finish the squad and failed to wound.
Cyphers plasma squad rear armored the predator to death.

Turn 2 (top of)

The hellbrute did nothing.
Two chosen got hot on the over watch. Cypher dropped two possessed. Cypher killed two and the possessed killed the sarge. The possessed were wiped out.

Turn 1

Vindicator glanced the land raider.
Cypher and his boys dumped 14 plasma shots into the proxyd possessed. One chosen blew up and half of the posses were wiped out.

Crimson slaughter vs chaos


Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Ordering from Forgeworld on Friday, if you want something, throw it up here!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Campaign Consternation

Hi All,
Several of you have asked me about a kick off date for the campaign. Before I can announce anything I need FIRM commitments from everyone regarding EXACTLY who is playing and which army they intend to use. There have been a couple of wishy washy commitments and running army changes. That has to stop in order for me to plan and proceed. You (and your friends) have until Sunday to respond to this post and finalize. If your name and your army are not here, you will not be playing. Sorry to be a hardass but I can't build on shifting sand.
