Friday, June 13, 2014

The Battle for Redemption- Campaign 2014

The world of Redemption was once the seat of the entire Urgalt Cluster. A system of planets which house a vast array of Agri-Worlds and raw materials desperately needed to fuel the endless war.
Redemption itself has been torn apart by hundreds of years of conflict. Nearly every warring faction in the galaxy desires to lay claim to it. However, what is only known to a precious few is the true reason why Redemption is such a prize.
On the continent of Hope and deep beneath the capital city of New Hope lays a stable warp rift crafted by a long dead xenos civilization. This warp gate would provide a strategic launching point to countless other locations across the galaxy. Imperial Scholars from the Ordo Chronos have speculated that this rift may also enable time travel across the Empyrean. The value of this portal cannot be calculated. It is not hyperbole to say that whoever holds the rift and accesses its secrets may someday soon rule the galaxy.
The battle for the New Hope Rift has begun. Marshal your forces; there is no time for peace.

The Factions
The Good- Grey Knights and Astra Militarum (Shane and Chris)
The Bad- Forces of Chaos (Tim and Kevin)
The Ugly- Orks (Tony and Tyler)
The Unthinkable- Tyranids and Mystery Guests (Mindy and ???)

The Battlegrounds
Sector Sixteen- A barren, bombed-out wasteland surrounding the approach to New Hope. This no man’s land is riddled with magna mines, barbed wire and tank traps. Decades of fighting to gain a foothold here have proven fruitless.
Strategic Asset- Firebase 77. The player who holds this asset may fire the MAC cannon once per game. It is considered twin-linked for purposes of this asset use.
The Glade- a once lush forest, now twisted and poisoned by the unending conflict on Redemption. This area is home to some indigenous wildlife which does not appreciate the way their home has been treated.
Strategic Asset- Lost Hope, Imperial Mega-Bastion. The player who holds this asset may include it in their army as a fortification (for free). It is considered a Mighty Bulwark and possesses automated weaponry.
LZ 426- On the outskirts of New Hope, this landing zone is one of the hardest fought locales in the entire theatre of war on Redemption. Laced with Aegis lines, ammo and fuel stores and the corpses of thousands; this is where the winner of the war may be determined.
Strategic Asset- Skyshield Landing Pad, Victor Bravo. The player who holds this asset may deep strike any unit from their army list, beginning on turn one. This unit will not scatter but may not assault on the same turn which it arrived.
Capital Boulevard- The once beautiful capital of New Hope is now a smoking husk. Dilapidated and blackened buildings line this shattered street. Beneath the surface, the true treasure of Redemption awaits its new master.
Strategic Asset- The Emperor’s Visage, Shrine of the Aquila. The player who holds this asset gains the following USRs (army wide). Hatred (other factions) and Preferred Enemy (other factions).
The Wyrd- A small, deserted patch of land to the west of New Hope. It houses a single, mysterious archeotech machine which none of the factions truly understand. Of course, that does not stop them from fighting over it.
Strategic Asset- Archeotech Psychic Dampener. The player who holds this asset may place the asset anywhere on the map during the deployment phase. The dampener is considered to be indestructible as it exists both in realspace and in the warp at the same time. Any units within 12” of the device may not generate warp charges or use psychic powers.
Tower Point- a small bluff in the middle of the Yehiri Desert. This bleak and forgotten locale is the optimum point to broadcast vox messages across the entire continent of Hope. The Imperium long ago realized that the entire bluff is filled with a metallic ore which boosts vox signals to previously unknown ranges.
Strategic Asset- Vox Tower Arcus. The player who holds this asset may (once per game) summon 1 unit of troops (maximum of 150 points) from their army codex. The unit enters play from reserve using the Outflank special rule.
Deff Valley- forces of the Orks and the Death Korps of Krieg have contested this bloody gulch for several years with neither side giving an inch of ground. This lowland is lined completely with trenches and small fortifications, packed with the bodies of martyrs to their war.
Strategic Asset- Wall of Martyrs. The player who holds this asset may place a section of 3 trenches in their army list for free. Friendly units in these trenches possess the Stubborn special rule. Alternatively the player may select to add 1 Vengeance Weapon Battery to their army list (for free).
Necropolis- untold secrets lay beneath the surface of Redemption. One such secret is the Necron tomb citadel of Ashran’ka. A daring commander could choose to awaken the Necrons deep beneath the surface of the planet but he may not understand the scope of his actions…
Strategic Asset- Necron Control Matrix. The player who controls this asset may at any time “awaken” a (500 pt fixed) Necron force to attack his enemy. The Necron units arrive using the deep strike rules. Initially the Necrons will only attack the enemy faction. At the beginning of each subsequent player turn, the controlling player must roll a D6. On a roll of 1-4 the Necrons will also begin attacking the controlling player’s army. On a roll of 5 the Necrons continue to unknowingly aid the controlling player for the remainder of the turn. On a roll of 6, the Necrons blindly attack the enemy of the controlling player until they are laid to waste. No further rolls are required.

Grand Warlord Traits
Each faction must nominate a Grand Warlord. You may choose whether or not to field your grand warlord on a game by game basis. Each Grand Warlord trait has been created by the campaign gamemaster and is designed to take advantage of the unique play style of the chosen faction. Fielding your Grand Warlord is obviously a huge advantage as it provides you the Grand Warlord trait. However, there is a risk as well. Slaying a Grand Warlord provides an additional D3 victory points to the slayer and the opponent may not field their GW in the next game in which they play. If the GW is slain in a challenge; the winner of the challenge receives an additional D6 victory points! All Grand Warlords gain the Eternal Warrior special rule.
The Good- Grand Warlord Trait, The Emperor Ascendant. All friendly units have the Hatred (infantry) and Preferred Enemy (other factions) when within 24” of the Grand Warlord.
The Bad- Grand Warlord Trait, Black Crusade. All friendly units have the Fearless and Fleet special rules when within 24” of the Grand Warlord.
The Ugly- Grand Warlord Trait, WAAAAAAAGH!!!- Friendly units have Feel No Pain (6+) Friendly vehicles gain It Will Not Die!
The Unthinkable- Grand Warlord Trait, The Hungry Darkness- units from Codex: Tyranids have the Shrouded special rule.

How To Play (AKA How to WIN!)
The goal of each faction is to gain control of two Battlegrounds PLUS the Capital Boulevard Battleground (3 in all). The first round of campaign battles will be fought to claim battlefields and gain their strategic assets. At any time after week one (even in the middle of a battle) a faction may challenge another faction to a Kill Team battle to fight for a claimed battlefield/asset. Unclaimed but contested battlefields will always require a full game to claim. An attempt to claim an uncontested battlefield will result in the claimant faction battling a foe of the GMs choosing using a game type of the GMs choosing. Should the GM win, the territory will be claimed by the GM faction and the GM will be considered to hold that asset.
Once a faction has completed the campaign goals, they will advance to the final battle. Their battlegrounds and strategic assets will be vacated; leaving the remaining factions to war over their territory and attempt to complete the same mission. The second faction to complete the goal will advance to fight in the final battle. The first faction to win entrance to the final battle will automatically go first in the final battle and will choose their deployment zone. It will not be possible to seize the initiative. The third faction and fourth faction will not be allowed into the final battle (unless some backdoor deals are coordinated amongst the factions…) but they should definitely feel free to scrap it out on the surface for bragging rights.


  1. This is going to be epic. And I haven't even finished reading it all yet.

  2. Any idea's when were gonna start it yet?

    1. Guessing we'll start once Escalation is wrapped up.

  3. Made a few small changes based on some good feedback from Tim.
