Sunday, February 7, 2016

Update 2 Red Scorpions tacs

Hi Guys,
Lots more progress this week. This is 20 tactical marines and 10 devastators. I am batch painting them so what you see here is; basecoat gray, wash black, drybrush gray, basecoat brown, layer yellow. 

Next up is to lay down white, metals, red, transfers, weathering and basing.


  1. I think this is a good approach for non-character infantry. These guys don't need to stand out so just applying a clean, simple paint job to them is enough.

  2. Since Shane mentioned it; this is how I paint these guys.

    First I spray them all with colored primer; uniform gray in this instance. Then I wash the entire model in black wash. This does two things; it dyes the gray darker to more closely match the Red Scorpions color (charcoal gray) and it sits in the recesses of the model like a final wash would. Once the wash completely dries (this takes several hours) I drybrush the entire model with uniform grey to highlight and sort of "age" the model too. At this point the gray is done and I move on to the other colors. I paint a basecoat of Balor Brown on all the elements that will become yellow and then layer over that with Averland Sunset. There's actually very little yellow on these guys so it goes quickly. As for the "batch painting" portion of it. There is no magic, you just do the same parts on the entire batch of models. The economy in speed is from not changing brushes, paint colors or techniques. You paint 60 shoulder borders and you get pretty quick at it. I follow this with the smaller accent colors; in this case, red, white, leadbelcher. I add the transfers and then do some simple weathering like scratches and chipping. Here you can bring a little individuality to each model with ease.
