Wednesday, March 15, 2017

AoS Escalation - Are you interested?

Hey all, Chris and I were talking and wanted to gauge support in the group for a potential AoS Escalation league. The 40k Escalation we did in the past was a great way to get some cool armies painted up and motivation for everyone to paint, and it was also a great excuse to get the whole group together once a month during summer, grill out and have some fun.

Let me know with a post on here if you would be interested and maybe what Army you would be thinking about. I can pick up a General's Handbook v2 and give people point costs for units etc if needed.


  1. I will play. Probably not Dinos though.

  2. if those are dwarves in zeppelins i saw in that trailer thing i may actually want to play sigmar.

    1. Khorne daemons just got their own battletome too.

  3. I'm going to get the battle tome and when these awesome dwarven Zeppelin models come out I'll look at them too.

  4. I am more than likely going to end up with Kharadron. I don't think at this point that Orruks are really going to make it very far. They have basically 4 kits including a 520-700pt Behemoth, they are good on the board but very limited as far as models/poses and even tactics.
