Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Escalation... an Early End?

Hola Folks,

Since we started this thing we have had some craaazy games and a lot of fun. However I think it's starting to wear a little on all of us. I am proposing that we potentially make the last game of Escalation 1500pts.

Let me know what you think, I am perfectly fine to continue, or stop at 1500. It was just an idea that we had.

I know I am getting tired of working on Eldar and feeling like I have to have so much done in a certain amount of time. For some other people it would mean being able to stop buying so many models and save a little cash, or even if they figured out they didn't like the army they picked, to be able to just get away from it.


  1. I am going to keep building Red Scorpions regardless so I can go either way. Stopping at 1500 though would allow me to start on my Death Korps sooner.

  2. Sounds like someone has ork fever. That's fine with me, when we gonna start the campaign?

  3. Mindy and I are ok with that as well.

  4. Alright, we will end at 1500 then. I will tally up the points after next game and we will figure out a date for the final Tournament

  5. I need some time to make some death korps and Tony/Tyler need time for Orks. I would propose we start the campaign in September or October?

  6. Gives us time to just play. instead of worrying about winning or assembling or painting a quota of models.
