Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Red Scorpions Second Company Roster

I was inspired by the Ultramarines entry in the new marines codex. I came up with the below fluffy bits for my Scorps.

Red Scorpions 2nd Company “Sword of Ordon”
1.       Commander Elias Merck; “The Lion of Vraks”, “The Prince”

Venerable Dreadnought
2.       Venerated Brother Draco

Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought
3.       Ancient Kell, “Keeper of the Watch”

Tactical Squad 1 Squad Vigil, “Hammers of Culln”
The first tactical squad is often a proving ground for battle brothers to join the ranks of the First Company as Sternguard Veterans. Squad Vigil has borne this honor for many decades as well as the name “Hammers of Culln” due to the Chapter Master’s watch over their progress.
4.       Apothecary Sergeant Korr
5.       Brother Varen
6.       Brother Jorus
7.       Brother Retrum
8.       Brother Praneus
9.       Brother Wilst
10.   Brother Forth
11.   Brother Chiron
12.   Brother Garrick- Heavy Weapon
13.   Brother Korum- Special Weapon

Tactical Squad 2 Squad Tempestus, “The Wrathborn”
Squad Tempestus is the recipient of high accolades from not only their Chapter leaders but from their fellow marines in the Brazen Claws. During a recent Tau incursion, the Brazen Claws First Captain exclaimed that second squad fought as though they had been “born of wrath”.
14.   Apothecary Sergeant Barris
15.   Brother Lorde
16.   Brother Nicor
17.   Brother Able
18.   Brother Zerau
19.   Brother Polonius
20.   Brother Deryk
21.   Brother Koppe
22.   Brother Lyriss- Heavy Weapon
23.   Brother Ferss- Special Weapon

Tactical Squad 3 Squad Westeros, “The Purehearts”
The third squad takes great pride in their martial ability as well as their adherence to the Codex Astartes. Sergeant Geld is renowned for his amazing swordsmanship and was himself known as “Pureheart”. It was only a matter of time before his squad garnered that name as well.
24.   Apothecary Sergeant Geld
25.   Brother Quest
26.   Brother Darius
27.   Brother Hurst
28.   Brother Lono
29.   Brother Perrin
30.   Brother Morg
31.   Brother Talarik
32.   Brother Franz- Heavy Weapon
33.   Brother Prowse- Special Weapon

Tactical Squad 4 Squad Autumnus, “Cleansing Fire”
Squad Autumnus took part in one of the most savage battles in all of Red Scorpions history. It was their quick thinking to sabotage a fuel refinery which resulted in the destruction of Hive Tyrant Yawning Maw on the planet of Avirex Prime.
34.   Apothecary Sergeant Plavix
35.   Brother De Klerk
36.   Brother Escher
37.   Brother Terian
38.   Brother Oliva
39.   Brother Reston
40.   Brother Lazar
41.   Brother Marco
42.   Brother Bruno- Heavy Weapon
43.   Brother Lux- Special Weapon

Bike Squadron 1 Squad Gyear, “The Unseen”
Sergeant Vench enjoys applying hunting tactics learned from observing large raptors in the wild. His favorite gambit is to approach an enemy’s flank at maximum speed so as to be unnoticed until it is too late.
44.   Sergeant Vench
45.   Brother Pye- Melta Gun
46.   Brother Reince- Grav Gun

Bike Squadron 2  Squad Khama, “Iron Brotherhood”
Much to the chagrin of the chapter techmarines, the Iron Brothers love to use their bikes themselves as weapons.
47.   Sergeant Swann
48.   Brother Hyss- Grav Gun
49.   Brother Gorik- Melta Gun

Centurion Devastator Squadron Squad Buthidae, “The Poison Arrows”
A newly formed unit with the 2nd Company, Captain Merck is very pleased with his Centurions. Sergeant Klaas is thought by many to be on the short list to become First Captain one day soon.
50.   Devastator Sergeant Klaas
51.   Brother Tsar
52.   Brother Grimm

Devastator Squadron Squad Veritas, “The Lonely Hunters”
Squad Veritas is composed of a very sullen and ill-humored group of marines. Sergeant Jerran is fond of keeping his men on mission for weeks at a time and often ranging far out from the main battle group. Here they wait, like predators. His men view tanks in the same way a hunter views big game.
53.   Devastator Sergeant Jerran
54.   Brother Kyrin
55.   Brother Perth
56.   Brother Nerad
57.   Brother Scipio
58.   Brother Horvath
59.   Brother Allonia
60.   Brother Terrax
61.   Brother Rand
62.   Brother Corum

Centurion Assault Squadron Squad Laedere. “Fists of Rage”
Squad Laedere is made up of battle brothers who relish the art of the siege and bloody close combat more than any other member of the Second Company. Their Centurion armor reeks of gore and burned plastcrete. The Fists of Rage are rightfully feared by all the enemies of the Imperium.
63.   Centurion Sergeant Takhar
64.   Brother Young
65.   Brother Gorch

Assault Squadron Squad Sanguis, “The Cold Ones”
The beloved students of Chaplain Cross; it is best not to discuss how the Cold Ones earned their name.
66.   Assault Sergeant Borne
67.   Brother Dirge
68.   Brother Uriel
69.   Brother Pearle
70.   Brother Acton
71.   Brother Bion
72.   Brother Dox
73.   Brother Jensen
74.   Brother Corvin
75.   Brother Zane

Relic Sicaran Battle Tank
76.   Deathstalker

Stormtalon Gunship
77.   Stinger

Predator Battle Tanks
78.   Red Claw
79.   (Annihilator Pattern) Venomous Wrath

Thunderfire Cannon
80.   Storm of Woe

Fellblade Superheavy Tank
81.   Axiom of Purity

1 comment:

  1. i must say ive thought about doing that for one of my armies....but never could come up with names. I feel like it gives each squad a story or defined purpose. well done
