Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Felvast III

"Does the train still run?" No response. A blistering cold wind shot through the remains of the manufactorum. The Eldar had blasted it with something massive to do this type of damage. Without the flow of Promethium, the heat exchangers had given out and the place quickly fell to ruin once the crews evacuated.

Again, "Does the train still run?" Third Captain Mokra turned to face his equerry. "It would appear it does. Quite recently in fact." He pointed the thick finger of his power fist toward the locomotive. "No snow." he added flatly.

Indeed everything else in sight was covered in it. White, powdery death. Ordo Xenos reports indicated that the planet was all but uninhabitable due to freak snowstorms which would blanket the area in meters of the stuff in the blink of an eye. The refinery crews referred to it as a "white fall".

No matter, the Imperium required Promethium and they would see to it that it was secured...


  1. Very well done. Looks really festive like a Christmas diorama. Needs daemons and cultists ice skating on a pond.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That looks amazing. Can't wait to see some games on it.

  4. It does look vaguely holiday themed...

  5. Yeah, oh well. It needs the trees for scatter terrain.
