Friday, March 3, 2017

Battle Report from 2/5//17

Sorry for the long wait but I had to work 70+ hours since the big game. But here is the Battle Report.

Loyalist Forces:

Raven Guard


Strike Captain Alverex Maun (RoW: Decapitation Strike)


Apothecarion Detachment: 3 Apothecaries w/ Artificer Armour

Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought w/Twin Linked Lascannons and Havok Launcher

Mor Deythan Strike Squad w/ 1 Plasma gun, 9xCombi-weapons in a

Darkwing Pattern Storm Eagle


Legion Assault Squad: 10 Man w/ 2 Plasma Pistols

Legion Tactical Squad: 10 Man, Vexilla,

Legion Tactical Support Squad: 9 Man, w/ meltaguns in drop pod

Legion Tactical Support Squad: 9 Man, w/ plasmaguns in drop pod

Legion Tactical Support Squad: 7 Man w/ Volkite Chargers in drop pod


Dark Fury Squad 10 Man

Outrider Squad w/ Meltaguns

Heavy Support

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought w/Grav Flux Bombard, Phosphex Discharger, Leviathan Siege claw

in Dreadnought Drop Pod

Lord Of War:

Corvus Corax

Imperial FistsUnyielding Praetorians


Sigismund (RoW: Stone Gauntlet)

1: Templar Brethren x9 combat shields, Champion with solarite gauntlet and melta bombs
Land Raider Phobos (dedicated) Armored Ceramite

Troop 1: Breachers x20, sergeant with artificer armor and power weapon, 4 grav guns

Troop 2: Breachers x20, sergeant with artificer armor and power weapon, 4 grav guns

Heavy 1: Achilles Pattern Land Raider w/all shells

Heavy 2: Vindicator Squadron x3, dozer blade and machine spirits

Heavy 3: Leviathan Dreadnought w/armored ceramite, siege claw

LoW/Fortification: Primus Redoubt w/mounted twin-linked lascannon

Primary Detachment – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List

Roboute Guilliman - 8x Invictarus Suzerain Bodyguard - Landraider Phobos Dedicated Transport w/ Pintle Multi Melta, Armored Ceramite

2x Legion Tactical Squads - 2x Rhino Dedicated Transport

1x Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought - Atomantic Pavaise, Hellfire Plasma Cannonade
2x Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon - 1 - Siege Drill/Siege Claw, Armored Ceramite, Phosphex Discharger, 1- Siege Drill, Grav-Flux Bombard, Armored Ceramite, Phosphex Discharger
1x Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer

Allied Detachment – Questoris Knight Crusade Army List

Knight Seneschal - Cerastus Knight Castigator
Knight Scion Martial - Questoris Knight Paladin - Rapid Fire Battlecannon, Stormspear Rocket Pod.

Traitor Forces:

Thousand Sons:

+ HQ +

Legion Centurion Psychic Mastery Level 2 Consul,
[Librarian ]
Legion Centurion Psychic Mastery Level 2 Consul
[Librarian ]

+ Elites +

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon

+ Troops +

Legion Tactical Squad [15x Legion Tactical Space Marines ]
Legion Tactical Squad [15x Legion Tactical Space Marines ]

+ Fast Attack +

Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron [Multi-Melta , 3x Space Marine Sky Hunters ]
····Sky Hunter Sergeant [Melta Bombs , Plasma Pistol , Power Fist ]
+ Heavy Support +

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Lascannons]
Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron (1 Vindocator)

++ Imperialis Militia and Cults Army List (Allied Detachment) ++

+ HQ +

Force Commander [Carapace Armour , Iron Halo , Melta Bombs , Plasma Pistol , The Muster of Worlds]

+ Troops +

Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad [Grenadier Sergeant, 12x Grenadiers, Lasrifles ,Special Weapons Grenadier with Melta Gun ]

Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad [Grenadier Sergeant, 12x Grenadiers, Lasrifles, Special Weapons Grenadier with Plasma Gun ]

Imperialis Militia Reconaissance Squad [Cameoline, Infravisors, Single Demolition Charge, Sniper Rifles ]

+ Heavy Support +

Militia Auxiliary Battle Tank Attack Squadron
····Leman Russ Battle Tank [Heavy Bolters ]

Militia Auxiliary Battle Tank Attack Squadron
····Leman Russ Vanquisher [Heavy Bolters, Lascannon]

Militia Auxiliary Battle Tank Attack Squadron
····Leman Russ Exterminator [Heavy Flamers ]

++ Fortifications (Fortification) ++

+ Fortification +

Aegis Defense Line [Gun Emplacement with Icarus Lascannon ]

World Eaters


Gahlan Surlak

Kharn the Bloody


Apothecarion Detachment
Legion Apothecary
Legion Apothecary

Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon
Cortus Dreadnought
Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons

Cortus Dreadnought
Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Multi-melta

Cortus Dreadnought
Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Multi-melta

The Red Butchers
7x Butcher Terminator , 7x Second Power Axe

Legion Spartan Assault Tank
Armoured Ceramite , Flare Shield, Quad Lascannon Sponsons, Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter

The Devoured
2x Chainfist , Second Power Axe


Legion Tactical Squad
Augmented Inductii, 14x Legion Tactical Space Marines
Additional Chainswords/Combat Blades, Bolters, Legion Vexilla
Legion Tactical Sergeant
Artificer Armour , Bolter, Melta Bombs

Legion Tactical Squad
Augmented Inductii, 14x Legion Tactical Space Marines
Additional Chainswords/Combat Blades ), Bolters, Legion Vexilla
Legion Tactical Sergeant
Artificer Armour , Bolter, Melta Bombs)
Power Weapon

Heavy Support

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank
Accelerator Autocannon, Lascannon Sponsons , Pintle-mounted Heavy Bolter
Extra Armour, Rapid Tracking, Rending

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer
Armoured Ceramite

Death Guard

Typhon with Lascannon sponsons


Calas Typhon


Grave Warden Terminators x10

20 Tac Marines w/Bolters
Sarge with Artificer

10 Heavy Support Troops
Sarge with Artificer
With Heavy Bolters
Dedicated Rhino

10 Heavy Support Troops
Sarge with Artificer
With Missile Launchers
Dedicated Rhino

Heavy Support

Anvilus Autocannons
Hullmount heavy Bolters
Aiolos missile launcher



Iron Warriors

Erasmus Golg
Primus Medicae

5 Man Tyrant Siege Terminators
20 Man tactical Squad
5 Man Tartaros Terminators in a Land Raider

Heavy Support
10 Man Iron Havok Squad with missle launchers
Deredeo w/ Lascannon and Missle Launcher

Lord Of War

Rules of engagement:
Grand Warlord is 1 model per side and should be recorded on paper. The model must be Leadership 9 or higher but does not need to be the given army’s chosen warlord. The identity of the GW should kept be secret from the enemy.
Slaying the GW results in D3 victory points. When slain, the identity of the GW must be announced and that side can no longer make rolls on the GW Trait table.
GW traits will be rolled each turn before the movement phase begins. If you forget to roll your trait, you may not roll for it later.

The Traits

Orbital Relay: The Grand Warlord can use his fleet and the fleets of his allies to call down Orbital Strikes on the enemy. Line of sight may be drawn from any friendly model. These strikes take place at the beginning of the shooting phase and have the following profile.
Weapon- Fleet Laser Array Range- Infinite Str 9 AP 1 Ordnance 3, Concussive, Large Blast

Praise the Omnissiah: The God of Mars grants you favor. All friendly units with the type: Vehicle may regenerate 1 hull point at the beginning of your turn. You may also remove one condition per model from the vehicle damage table (example: Immobilized units may again move or a Weapon Destroyed previously may again be fired)

Sappers: Utilizing advanced scouts and battlefield topology, your army has extraordinary knowledge of the terrain. D6 friendly units of your choice gain the “Ignores Cover” rule this turn.

Righteous Cause: You know that your army stands for all that is right. All friendly infantry gain Fearless and Crusader this turn. Any challenges result in an extra victory point to the winner.

MAIM.BURN.KILL: You cannot allow the traitors to draw another breath! All friendly infantry units gain Preferred Enemy: Infantry and Shred.

It’s a TRAP!: Our theoreticals have proven practical. Take any friendly unit from ongoing reserve and deploy them wherever you choose. Alternatively, place any friendly unit already deployed (but not locked in combat) back in to ongoing reserves.

The Battlefield

Deployment: Loyalists deploy first. Traitor Forces fail to seize initiative.

The Traitors Forces Deploy:

Infiltrators Deploy

Turn 1: Loyalists: Movement
Supreme Trait: Sappers: Primus Redoubt, Achilles, Sicarian Venator

The Raven Guard Leviathan and Melta Drop pod squad deploy first. The Forces of the Imperial Fists and Ultramarines advance.

The Iron Havoks of the Iron warriors use interceptor to bring down the dreadnought drop pod and claim first blood and a kill point.

Turn 1: Loyalists: Shooting

Meltagun Ravens Guard unload 9 meltaguns into the Death Guard Dredereo. 8 hits and only 2 Hull points and a heavy bolter were knocked off.

Raven Guard Leviathan fires his grav flux bombard, phosphex discharger, and volkite guns into Pertarabo's squad.The phosphex killed 2 Tyrant siege terminators, and 2 wounds onto Erasmus Golg.

The Primus Redoubt fires on Pertarabo and the Tyrant Siege Terminators. 2 shots drops 4 more tyrants, Golg, the Primus Medicae, 1 World Eater, World Eaters Sicaran, a Death Guard Rhino and a Thousand Sons Vindicator. Pertarabo survives unscathed.

The Achilles fires upon some fortified Thousand Sons, killing 3.

Imperial Fists Vindicators unleash on a World Eaters Spartan immobilizing it and killing to Iron Warriors behind defense lines.

Ultramarines Venator fires at wounded World Eater Spartan and blows it up

The Knight fires his rapid fire battle cannon on the World Eaters, killing 7. 

Guilliman's Land Raider sniped 1 Havok from their tower. 

The Raven Guard Mortis-Contemptor fired at the Iron Warrior Dredereo but failed to pen. 

The Knight Castigator unleashed on the now exposed World Eater and failed to wound.

Imperial Fist breachers fire on Militia Snipers killing 1.

Score: Loyalists 4  Traitors 2

Turn 1: Traitor: Movement
Supreme Trait: Praise the Omnisiah:  Death Guard Dredereo Regains 1 HP and its Heavy Bolter.

Pertarabo joined up with some World Eaters to advance on the Raven Guard Leviathan.

World Eater Cortus Dreadnoughts advance on the Imperial Fist land raider.

Death Guard and Thousand Sons forces re-position.

Turn 1: Traitor: Psychic

The Thousand Sons manifest a malediction on the Raven Guard Leviathan reducing its WS, BS, Attacks, Initiative by 1.

Turn 1: Traitor: Shooting

The Iron Warriors Dredereo opens up on Sigismund's Land Raider causing it to explode. Its missile launcher also killed one melta gun Raven Guard.

The militia forces fire at the meltagun Raven Guard killing 2. 

The Thousand Sons fury of the legion the meltagun Raven Guard, 60 shots, 37 hits, 14 wounds and 2 dead Ravens.

Death Guard Dredereo fires on Sigismund's exposed squad 2 dead.

The mighty Typhon fires at the Imperial Fist vindicators getting 2 pens and blowing up 1.

Iron Warriors land raider shot at the Ultramarines Dredereo and did nothing.

Pertarabo fired at the Raven Guard leviathan and did nothing.

The Death Guard in the Backfield fired at the meltagun Raven guards scoring 2 dead models 1 of which was the apothecary.

The Death Guard spartan fired at a leviathan but didn't score a pen.

World Eaters Cortus Talon fired into Sigismund and his boys killing 1 Templar.

World Eaters Venator failed to pen the Raven Guard Leviathan.

2 Rockets from the Death Guard rhino fire into the Imperial Fist breachers causing 1 death.

The Militia Leman Russ fires at the Achilles and Immobilizes it.

Thousand Sons Sicarian fires at the breachers and kills 3.

Turn 1: Traitors: Assault

Pertarabo and the World Eaters Charge into The Raven Guard Leviathan. 3 HP lost on the Leviathan and its Volkite, and Claw were knocked off.

World Eater Cortus talon failed to make charge distance to Sigismund.

Death Guard Dredereo charged meltagun Raven Guards. No Damage to the Ravens. Ravens try to use our weapons are useless. Get sweeping advanced by Dredereo.

Score: Loyalists 4  Traitors 4

Turn 2: Loyalists: Movement
Supreme Trait: Sappers: Primus Redoubt, Ultramarine Venator, Imperial Fist Vindicators, Raven Guard Contemptor, Knight Castigator

Raven Guard Mor Dethayne arrive in their Darkfury Storm Eagle. Iron Warriors Dredereo Intercepts and a jink save is made. 

Raven Guard volkite squad arrives via Drop Pod. Iron havoks intercept killing 3 and forcing them to break and run into nearby cover.

Raven Guard plasma gun squad arrives in the enemy backfield.

Raven Guard outriders outflank in enemy territory.

The Fists and the Ultras slowly push forward.

Turn 2: Loyalist: Shooting

Achilles launches its barrage at the Iron Havoks in the tower.17 hits, 13 wound, all saved from void hardened armour.

Castigator to the Thousand Sons line 5 wounds 5 dead.

Ultramarines Leviathan Grav Flux bombards the World Eater Cortus talon with no results.

The Primus Redoubt unleashes against the Red Butchers wiping them, Kharne and Serlek out.

The Raven Guard Darkwing snap shoots its Lascannons at the Iron Warriors Dredereo with no luck.

The Knight fires at World Eater initiates and kills 12.

Imperial Fist Vindicators fire at the Death Guard rhino and also hit the Thousand Sons Sicarian. The rhino explodes and the Sicarian loses it's right lascannon.

The Imerial Fist breachers fire at the militia snipers again and kill 1.

The Raven Guard drop pod kills one Thousand Son.

Raven Guard Mortis Contemptor pens and immobilized Thousand Sons Sicarian.

Raven Guard plasma squad destroys Thousand Sons Contemptor.

Raven Guard outriders do 2 Hull points and shake the Leman Russ battlecannon tank.

Turn 2: Loyalists: Assault

Sigusmunds Templar's assault the Death Guard near them and fail the assault costing them 1 Templar.

In the fight between Pertarabo, the World Eaters and the Raven Guard Leviathan no damage was done to the Leviathan and 1 World Eater was killed.

Score Loyalists: 10  Traitors: 4

Turn 2: Traitors: Movement
Supreme Trait: Righteous Cause

Thousand Sons Jetbikes arrive in backfield behind Ultramarine Leviathans.

Iron Warriors land raider moves closer to support its allies.

Turn 2: Traitors: Psychic

The Thousands Sons near the Iron Havoks use telekine dome but suffer a wound from a perils.

Turn 2: Traitors: Shooting

Iron Warriors land raider machine spirits 1 lascannon to an Ultramrines rhino which made it's cover. Then fires its other lascannon and heavy bolters at the Templars. They make their cover saves.

Thousand Sons jetbikes do no damage to the Ultramarine Leviathans.

The Death Guard Dredereo does 1 hull point to the Raven Guard Darkwing. Its Aiolos Missle launcher fires at the Templars and kills 1.

The Thousand Sons Sicarian fires at the Imperial Fist breachers and kills none.

The Death Guard missile team fires at the lead Ultramarines rhino wrecking it.

World Eater Cortus talon fires at the Templars killing 3

The Exterminator Russ of the militia fires at the Raven Guard outriders killing 1.

The Typhon fires at the Castigator causing 1 hull point.

Death Guard Spartan fires at Ultramarines Rhino and blows it up.

Deathguard unleash 30 heavy bolter shots on the Raven Guard volkite squad causing 12 wounds and killing 1.

The militia commander fires his plasma pistol at a Raven Guard drop pod and does 1 hull point.

Death Guard commences a Fury of the Legion attack against the plasma Raven Guard: 80 shots, 55 hits, 23 wounds, 3 dead.

Thousand Sons tactical squad wipes out the remaining outriders.

Turn 2: Traitors: Assault

Iron warriors assault plasma Raven guard. Iron Warriors sweep the Raven Guard.

World Eater Cortus made it into assault with Templars. Cortus killed 2 Templar and Sigismund is alone in combat.

World Eater initiates charge Alvarex Maun and sweeping advance his unit.

Raven Guard Leviathan killed 1 World Eater. Pertarabo and the World Eaters got 2 penetrating hits but the Leviathan made its invul save.

Score: Loyalists 10 Traitors: 9

Turn 3: Loyalists: Movement
Supreme Trait: MAIM. BURN. KILL

Raven Guard Dark Fury squad arrives center board.

Raven Guard Mor Dethayne unload from the Darkwing.


Ultramarine Leviathans turn to face the Thousand Sons.


The Castigator leads the Imperial Fist vindicators closer.


The Ultramaries navigate the ruined remains of their former rhinos.


Guiliman gets out of his Land Raider with his retinue.


Turn 3: Loyalists: Shooting

Raven Guard Dark Fury sqaud runs closer to Pertarabo and the Leviathan.

10 Ultramarines fire at World Eaters killing 1.

Primus Redoubt fires at the Thousand Sons and killing 7 of them and 2 Iron Warriors.


The Achilles kills 2 Thousand Sons tactical marines.

The knight fires its battle cannon at the Death Guard killing 7.


The Ultramarine Dredereo cannonades the Death Guard Vindicator doing nothing.

The Ultramarine Venator fires at the Iron Warriors Land Raider to no avail.

Imperial Fist Vindicators explode the Death Guard Vindicator.

The Castigator kills 5 Death Guard in the crater.

Ultramarine Leviathans wounds 2 of the Thousand Sons jetbike squad.

The Mor Dethayne use fatal strike (twin-linked, rending). 3 combi flamers and the plasma gun wipe out the remaining Death Guard in the crater.


Imperial Fist Breacher squad unloads on militia snipers wiping them out.

Turn 3: Loyalist: Assault

The volkite Raven Guard charge the World Eater initiates. The battle is a standstill. 


Ultramarine Leviathan charges the Thousand Sons jetbikes wiping them out.

The Castigator intercepts one World Eater Cortus Dreadnought before it can attack against Sigismund, and destroys it.


Imperial Fist Leviathan to one of the World Eater Cortus destroys its multi-melta.

Ultramarines Leviathan vs the previous Cortus immobilzes it.

The remaining Cortus causes 2 wounds to Sigismund.

The Raven Guard Leviathan shakes off a pen and a glance from Pertarabo and the World Eaters, but does no damage itself.

Score Loyalists: 14 Traitors: 9

Turn 3: Traitor: Movement
Supreme Trait: Sappers: Iron Warrior Deredeo

Grave Wardens Disembark from their Land Raider.

Iron Warrior Terminators disembark and approach the Dark Fury squad.

Turn 3: Traitor Shooting

Iron Warrior Deredeo blew up the Darkwing Storm Eagle killing 2 Mor'dethayne.

World Eater Venator blows up the Achilles.

Typhon uses his Chem Bombardment on Guilliman and his Suzeran killing 1.

Thousand Sons fury of the Legion the Mor'dethayne killing none.

Iron Warrior Havoks kill 1 Suzeran.

The Typhon fires on the Castigator causing 3 Hull Points.

Death Guard Deredeo blows up the Castigator.

Death Guard Grave Wardens kill 4 Mor'Dethayne

Militia Exterminator cannon destroys a Raven Guard Drop Pod.

Militia Battle Cannon Russ glances the Ultramarine Venator.

Turn 3: Traitor: Assault

Iron Warriors destroy the drop pod in the back field.

The Iron Warriors Charge the Dark Fury Squad. 4 Iron warriors die.

Perturabo finally kills the Raven Guard Leviathan.

Militia Guy fails to blow up the drop pod.

The cluster fuck of Leviathans vs Cortus ends with 2 dead Cortus dreadnoughts.

Score: Loyalists 16 Traitors: 15

Turn 4: Loyalists: Movement
Supreme Trait: Sappers: Imperial Fist Vindicators, Knight, Redoubt, Raven Guard Mortis Contemptor, Ultramarine Grav-flux Leviathan

Corvus shows up to the party.

Sigusmund takes cover and the Ultramarine and Imperial Fist Leviathans approach the lines of the traitors.

Imperial Fist Vindicators back up the Dark Fury squad.

Turn 4: Loyalists: Shooting

Ultramarine Venator blows up the Iron Warrior Land Raider.

The Redoubt fires at the Russ' in the back field destroying 2 of them.

Ultramarine Deredeo Plasmas the Grave Wardens killing 3.

Imperial Fist Vindicators open fire on Perturabo inflicting 2 wounds.

The knight fires its battle cannon killing 1 Grave Wardens.

The knights's storm spear kills the 2 World Eaters in the open.

Turn 4: Loyalists: Assault

Imperial Fist Leviathan to the Typhon tank blows it up, killing 3 Mor'Dethayne, causing 1 Hull Point to Iron Warrior Deredeo and immobilizing it.

Dark Fury squad kills the last Iron Warrior Terminator.

Score: Loyalists 22  Traitors: 15

Turn 4: Traitor: Movement
Supreme Trait: Praise the Omnisiah

Perturabo approaches Guilliman.

Grave Wardens advance on the Dark Fury squad.

Turn 4: Traitor: Psychic

Typhon casts hallucinations on the Dark Fury squad killing the Sargent.

Turn 4: Traitor: Shooting

Perturabo drops the bomb (or bombs) on Guilliman and his Suzeran. Killing 6 Dark Fury Ravens, all the Suzeran, and putting 2 wounds on Guilliman.

The Militia finish off the Mor'Dethayne

Grave Wardens kill the last Dark Fury.

Turn 4: Traitor: Assault

Perturabo and Guilliman clash in combat. A complete draw.

The Militia guy blew up the drop pod finally.

Score: Loyalits 22 Traitors 18

Turn 5: Loyalists: Movment

Corvus moves closer to the Primarch Fight.

Turn 5: Loyalists: Shooting

Imperial Fist Vindicators fire at the Grave Wardens that leaves only Typhon alive.

Ultramarine Venator kills Typhon.

Final Score

Loyalists 24       Traitors 18


  1. Awesome work, Tim! Wow you really captured it all. Fun to relive it and definitely the best batrep we've ever had.

  2. Yeah good job Tim, looks like it was a ton of work
