First 8th edition game for me.
Tim and I played a 75 power level game last night. I was surprised how well balanced it was with the power level total, despite how vague it seems compared to points. We only played 3 rounds and called it a draw but I'm sure if it went on I would have savaged the rest of his army.
I love vehicles in this edition and not having the vehicle damage chart, before it kinda felt like they were made out of glass unless it was AV 14. Having all the special rules on the profiles right in front of you was awesome, although the new index was sectioned like shit. Shooting and melee rolling seems a little too simplified (I miss templates).
Overall I enjoyed it. They took away a lot of the rule lawyering and it played a lot quicker after I got all the new mechanics down. Woulda posted a couple pictures but this app freaks out when I try to load one.
As long as you killed some Orks.