Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Ten more!

Ten more breachers today. Sergeant with Power Fist, two graviton guns. Calling this squad the "Obsidian Guard". Trying to come up with something to call the other squad.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Imperial Fists Breachers

Painted ten breachers today while on vacation. Sergeant with power axe and two graviton guns. Let me know what you think.

Saturday, December 24, 2016


Can we all just agree that we're really disappointed in Kevin? 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Smurfs! One of them is Big!

An update.... I have begun work on The Mighty XIIIth again, in preparation for Super Brawl Sunday!

First... some Cataphractii. My personal favorite.

Next, just an epic model. I have always loved Dreadnoughts, but these are definitely up there on my list of Dread patterns. I decided to make this one a former Destroyer marine, signified by the black helmet and knee pad showing informal Destroyer heraldry.

Sadly my pot of Blackfire Earth was solid as stone when I got back to using it, so I had to web order a new one and it will be here next week, then I can get these models based and done. Next up is a real doozy! gonna take some work. :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A few Boys in Black

Sigismund's Templar Brethren. This is going to be a ten man squad, shown here are two of them plus their Champion (sergeant) with solarite gauntlet. He is converted from a Command Squad model and uses Sigismund's unhelmeted head.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Grand Warlord Traits for Super Brawl

Ideas for some traits to help us keep the big game moving quickly.
  • Grand Warlord is 1 model per side and should be recorded on paper. The model must be Leadership 9 or higher but does not need to be the given army’s chosen warlord. The identity of the GW should kept be secret from the enemy.
  • Slaying the GW results in D3 victory points. When slain, the identity of the GW must be announced and that side can no longer make rolls on the GW Trait table.
  • GW traits will be rolled each turn before the movement phase begins. If you forget to roll your trait, you may not roll for it later.
The Traits
  1. Orbital RelayThe Grand Warlord can use his fleet and the fleets of his allies to call down Orbital Strikes on the enemy. Line of sight may be drawn from any friendly model. These strikes take place at the beginning of the shooting phase and have the following profile. 
Weapon- Fleet Laser Array       Range- Infinite      Str 9 AP 1        Ordnance 3, Concussive, Large Blast
  1. Praise the Omnissiah: The God of Mars grants you favor. All friendly units with the type: Vehicle may regenerate 1 hull point at the beginning of your turn. You may also remove one condition per model from the vehicle damage table (example: Immobilized units may again move or a Weapon Destroyed previously may again be fired)
  2. Sappers: Utilizing advanced scouts and battlefield topology, your army has extraordinary knowledge of the terrain. D6 friendly units of your choice gain the “Ignores Cover” rule this turn.
  3. Righteous Cause: You know that your army stands for all that is right. All friendly infantry gain Fearless and Crusader this turn. Any challenges result in an extra victory point to the winner.
  4. MAIM.BURN.KILL: You cannot allow the traitors to draw another breath! All friendly infantry units gain Preferred Enemy: Infantry and Shred.
  5. It’s a TRAP!: Our theoreticals have proven practical. Take any friendly unit from ongoing reserve and deploy them wherever you choose. Alternatively, place any friendly unit already deployed (but not locked in combat) back in to ongoing reserves.

Monday, December 5, 2016

The Last Battle King of Macragge.

I give you, Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines, The Victorious, The Master of Ultramar, Ruler of Hosts, The Blade of Unity.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Super Bowl Sunday

So everyone has plenty of time to plan, build, paint...

The annual "big game" of 30K will be held on Sunday 2/5/17. 

I am open to suggestions regarding game types, sizes, etc. My tentative recommendation is an Apocalypse style game; Death Guard, Thousand Sons and World Eaters to face Imperial Fists, Ultramarines and Raven Guard. 3500 pts per legion.

Monday, November 28, 2016


Some more of the Deathwatch is complete! Slowly approaching the end of what I own for this army, there will be more coming with the battleforce but might not see them painted for a little while. I plan on switching gears to finish my Bloodbowl team, and then check back in on my Ultras Legion.

First up is "David LoPan" The Blood Angels Termie Librarian.

Next we have a Storm Warden Terminator

And finally, a Landraider, "Fresh" from Mars :)

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Payback! Pt. 1

Chris helped me out immensely with some models to finish Tyler's army and help me pick up the slack on that project. So I owed him some painting, the first model being Sigismund! The model was a blast to paint and I think it turned out really well, the pictures wash out a little of the detail as usual, but here they are.

Sigismund - First Captain of the Imperial Fists, Martial Champion of Rogal Dorn, Kingsbane, The Master of Templars.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Who Watches The Deathwatch?

Because here are some more! The last of the "Troops" that will be in my league list

Ennox Sorlock - Iron Hands (Squad Donatus)

Blood Angel - Astartes Shotgun :)

Silver Skulls

Rodricus Grytt - Imperial Fists (Squad Donatus)

And a couple shots of them all together.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Lots of little things.

Been working on several things lately. Can't really decide what I want to focus on so I decided to do a bit of everything. That everything include:

Some dirty rat bastards,

Necromunda Gang

Some 40k Grav-cannons

The beginning of my green tide.

The start of the zone mort being painted.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Still Watching

More Deathwatch for the store campaign! These guys are turning out to be a lot of fun and helped me get back into the swing of painting, figuring out that I need to do 1 model at a time rather than batch painting. It will take longer but the end result is something that I am happier with, and I discovered that batch painting was really killing my drive to paint, just too repetitive and boring, I much prefer seeing 1 guy through to the end.

Howling Griffons

Sons of Medusa


Black Templars