Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Update I - Thousand Sons

It's begun. Figured it was time to start the updates, haven't really had the time to really get started on the army till these nights off. Bases are done save for priming due to adverse weather. Finished the calth terminator captain, really just wanted to try out a few more things on him. Not as much as I wanted to get done but it's a start. Gone start assembly next week.


  1. Wow. You never fail to impress. Really cool bases too.

  2. Looking great Kev! fantastic job on the shading and washes! your whites look great as well!

  3. Dude!!! You keep getting better...

  4. Wow that is an impressive terminator.

  5. Thanks guys, it's no golden daemon winner but it'll do. Happy with how the bases will look. I'm afraid he looks a little too khornie though, might have to get more white on him
