Sunday, January 31, 2016

Weekly Update 1

Kicking off these weekly updates with a big one. Three units for my Red Scorpions; Relic Contemptor, Venerable Dreadnaught and Assault Centurions.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tsons test models

Some shots of the two test models. Trying to go for a quick and easy scheme I can bang out a lot of guys with. The first two photos are the model with a little brighter red, otherwise their pretty close to the same. I tried adding some metallic medium to the second model's base coat which I like the effect of but I need to figure out to get it more pronounced. Hard to see it in the photos. Also gonna have to thin out my wash coat, they got way too dark which pissed me off. I think they've just been sitting dormant for too long.

Thanks to Tim for letting me use the models

Saturday, January 23, 2016

In advance of our group updates...

Let's talk about our army plans for 2016.

Red Scorpions- my 40K army. Forge World has stated they have a new volume of IA coming this Summer. I want to finish my backlog of Scorps models before that comes out. This will give me an entire Space Marine Battle Company, plus. I plan to paint a Dreadnought and three assault Centurions this week. After that I have two Predators, Thunderfire Cannon, 20 tactical marines and 10 assault marines. 

Imperial Fists- my 30K army. Well, there's only one way to put this. I have so many models to build and paint that it's insane. My plan is this; paint the IF Contemptor, paint Sigismund and Alexis Polux. 

Then I have to decide what to tackle next; Xiphon Interceptor, Voss Pattern Lightning, 3 Deimos Predators, 3 Rapier Bolter Carriers, Relic Contemptor, 40 Breacher Marines, 10 Templar Brethren, 10 Heavy Support Marines, 5 Support Marines, 10 Assault Terminators and I know I am forgetting some stuff. Basically I have another full army to paint for Horus Heresy.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Updates and Such!

Hey All,

It's gotten a little dead around here, in the spirit of bringing back some inspiration, we discussed the possibility of doing a weekly update with what each of us is working on, a lot like Battle Bunnies does. Is this something you guys would be interested in doing? It could be assembly, painting, anything related to 40k/30k on a weekly basis. We would start the first week of February, so the first update would be on 2/7.

Let me know

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Forgot to take pics but...

Red Scorpions soundly defeated Grey Knights today. 2k point game only took 3 hours!