Saturday, January 23, 2016

In advance of our group updates...

Let's talk about our army plans for 2016.

Red Scorpions- my 40K army. Forge World has stated they have a new volume of IA coming this Summer. I want to finish my backlog of Scorps models before that comes out. This will give me an entire Space Marine Battle Company, plus. I plan to paint a Dreadnought and three assault Centurions this week. After that I have two Predators, Thunderfire Cannon, 20 tactical marines and 10 assault marines. 

Imperial Fists- my 30K army. Well, there's only one way to put this. I have so many models to build and paint that it's insane. My plan is this; paint the IF Contemptor, paint Sigismund and Alexis Polux. 

Then I have to decide what to tackle next; Xiphon Interceptor, Voss Pattern Lightning, 3 Deimos Predators, 3 Rapier Bolter Carriers, Relic Contemptor, 40 Breacher Marines, 10 Templar Brethren, 10 Heavy Support Marines, 5 Support Marines, 10 Assault Terminators and I know I am forgetting some stuff. Basically I have another full army to paint for Horus Heresy.


  1. My turn:

    40k Ravens: So I have come up with my Talon Strike force list. I have most of the models for it. Just need to paint them. I plan on finishing the scouts from this part of the army first. I have 10 scouts, 2 land speeder storms. Some T-hammer storm shield vanguards. A set of varied devastators, a drop pod. 2 razorbacks, 5 sternguards, 5 lightning claw vanguards, and a variety of power weapon vanguards.

    The XIX Legion: For 30k I have all the models that are in my main list bought and assembled (Corvus was a pain in the ass to put together). Its a matter of figuring out what to paint first. I have 5 tac marines, 10 melta support marines, a storm eagle, 10 Mor'dethayn with exchangeable combi-weapons and snipers and plasma guns, 10 man dark fury squad, a new weapons loadout for my contemptor, and the Shadowed Lord himself Corvus Corax to paint.

    The Salamanders: I have the BoC box set terminators and contemptor to paint. and am working on modeling the chaplain as their head chaplain (Rytan?) These models are mostly for paint testing purposes before i get into actually buying my list of models. Whenever we get a leviathan siege dreadnought that will go towards the Salamanders as well.

    In short I hope to have one of these 3 finished by 2017. We will see what the shattered legion rules have to offer though if they make it out this year.

  2. Hahahah this is such a loaded question, but here it goes.

    Finish Tyler's World Eaters, I have about 25 MK2 in my possession that are being worked on once again, there are more :P

    The Mighty XIIIth - I have around 2000+pts of stuff sitting in the wings to start Ultras, with a few things from FW this will be a 3500pt legion and I am thinking something that I would maybe take to a tournament at some point so WYSIWYG. This will be my main focus on a personal front this year.

    Reaver Titan - Yep, still got this bastard to join my Legio Mortis, I will just need to pick up a Legio Mortis Transfer Sheet and then start the painstaking assembly/magnetizing, might need some insight from Kevin on potential magnet mounts, but we'll see :)

    Sons of Horus - I am putting this army on hold for a while, It is still by far my favorite legion, I have just come across a dilemma around making the new stuff look like the old stuff as it is proving to be a bit difficult, but I will take a look at these when time presents itself. As it sits there are about 3500pts waiting to be built/painted.

    Knights - I have 2 fully magnetized Warden kits and planning to add more, along with FW knights at some point. Have decided they will all be painted as House Makabius to be used as a stand alone force or in support of The Warmaster.

    And Maybe even a Collab-Creation between the Snorek brothers to be announced at a later date.

    1. Forgot my Fire Raptor. I decided it's going to the Fists as it's a relic in 40k.

  3. We're talking about teaming up (all of us) on a new 30k army.
