Friday, January 22, 2016

Updates and Such!

Hey All,

It's gotten a little dead around here, in the spirit of bringing back some inspiration, we discussed the possibility of doing a weekly update with what each of us is working on, a lot like Battle Bunnies does. Is this something you guys would be interested in doing? It could be assembly, painting, anything related to 40k/30k on a weekly basis. We would start the first week of February, so the first update would be on 2/7.

Let me know


  1. That's interesting, sounds like away to keep some of us on track.

    1. Precisely! Increased motivation through peer pressure.

  2. I'm in. I've been doing some work but with all my new models any extra bit of motivation would help.

  3. Sure. I've been working on the 30k tsons paint scheme, just haven't gotten around to posting it the guys I've painted

  4. Almost ready for my first update already.
